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Thanks for joining the Outlaw Country Cruise Pre-Sale. Here's what happens next:

Look out for an email with your Earliest Booking Time

You will receive your Earliest Booking Time (or EBT, since we’re all old friends now). This email will contain instructions on how to book your stateroom!

Great . . . but what’s an Earliest Booking Time?

It’s just our more fun way of saying “Tuesday at 2:45pm” or “Wednesday at 11:00am.” But really, it’s just what it sounds like! Your EBT is your first chance to book your stateroom. We spread them out over several days to provide you the best possible guest service experience during the booking process.

When can I book?

You can book your stateroom at or after your EBT.

What happens if I miss my time, or I’m not ready to book?

We get it. You got busy at work, your friends are dragging their feet, and the day got away. Your EBT is the first chance to join us, but not your only: you’re eligible to book any time after, as well, pending availability (so tell those friends to hurry up).

Speaking of friends, let’s talk profiles!

In order to book your stateroom, you and your guests must each have a Sixthman profile (if you’re reading this, you already created one).

To make the booking process as easy as possible, ask each of your traveling companions to create a profile. Be sure to provide your username to them so they can add you as an Approved Lead Guest in their account.

Once they're done, you'll be able to add them in your stateroom while booking. Hooray! 

If you have a guest who did not create a profile prior to booking, you will see the option to create one for them inside of the reservation.

Do I have to pay up front?

Money talks, but we let you lead the conversation: we have payment options to fit everyone’s needs. Want to make monthly payments, interest free? How about a discount if you pay in full? We have you covered.

Can I book more than one stateroom during the Pre-Sale?

One booking time is needed per stateroom, so if you require more than one - have another adult member of your party join the pre-sale.

Need to book a stateroom for someone else?

Whether you're a friend, family member, or Travel agent, any stateroom booked must be done utilizing a Sixthman profile enrolled in the pre-sale with an early booking time.  EBTs are non-transferable.

What happens if it sells out during the Pre-Sale?

Signing up to be a part of the pre-sale does NOT guarantee staterooms will be left for purchase when it is your time to book. Our hope is to accommodate everyone that wants to join this experience. In the case of a sell out, we will create a minimal number for first available cabins for those still interested in booking.

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